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Huge selection available at the Indoor Market
Electronic cigarettes, often referred to as e-cigarettes have grown in popularity in recent years - partly following the smoking ban but mainly taken over from nicotine patches as a way of giving up smoking. With the rising cost of cigarettes, the average cost of a pack of 20 is 4.75 euros in Spain yet a staggering 8 GBP in the UK - nearly double the price, more and more have decided it is now time to give up.

But the Catalan Government (the region which incorporates Barcelona, Girona, Lleida and Tarragona) have proposed to ban their use inside all government buildings, which includes hospitals and even outside schools - the same restrictions applied to tobacco products. The regional Department of Health want to go even further and apply the same proposed legislation as to tobacco products and ban the use inside of all enclosed public spaces, which would include bars and restaurants within Catalonia. This proposal needs to be approved yet, but will be put to the vote as soon as next week. Antonio Mateu, Secretary of Health in the region was very blunt in his reproach saying "these cigarettes emit nicotine and some carcinogens and should be subject to the same restrictions".

The long term health implications are not yet know on e-cigarettes - remember in the 50´s smoking cigarettes was actively promoted and it wasn´t until some half a century later that the damage could be seen. I couldn´t imagine that e-cigarettes would be quite as harmful, but it will be years until that is known for certain. One thing is for sure, they have definitely helped thousands to kick the habit and that can only be a good thing.

You can purchase e-cigarettes at tobaco shops here in Spain - they sell single use ones "NJOY" costing 7 euros, which gives you up to 200 puffs or rechargeable ones which start at 35 euros - you then buy refills which come in a variety of flavours - even fruit ones!

Bars, clubs and restaurants here in Spain all seem to allow people to use e-cigarettes inside - I have not heard of any incidents where that is not the case to date. Although the initial outlay can seem pricey - you can pay up to 100 GBP and then you have to purchase the vapour refills but in comparison to real cigarettes a lot cheaper in the long run. If passed in Catalonia it will be interesting to see if any other regions follow suit.