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Tad and Wayne with raffle seller Katy Ramsey
Well Benidorm certainly surpassed itself yesterday afternoon for the charity fundraiser at Levi´s Showboat.
The event was organised by Wayne and Tad of the Yorkshire Pride - and would not have been possible without the superb entertainers who turned up on their afternoon off to support this worthwhile and much needed cause, the Emaus children´s home in Relleu.

Tad had managed to amass a huge collection of raffle prizes, all generously donated by local businesses and Katy used her persuasive charms to get almost everyone to buy some tickets!

Girls Aloud
The place was absolutely packed and it was lovely to see so many people turning out. I spoke to holidaymaker Ralph (from Portsmouth), who was staying next door at the Levante hotel and he came in with his wife especially to support the event..... there was a real mix of residents and those on holiday, but all with the same purpose - to raise money for the children.

Stuart, Wayne and Tad with Shoewaddywaddy
And boy, did they raise some - an incredible 10,665 euros which I believe is a record... Wayne, Des, Tad and Lesley cannot express how grateful and humbled they are by everyones generosity. Many people and businesses made substantial donations - together with a very generous public who came to support this superb joint effort.

Dave Keegan aka Elvis, incase it´s not obvious!
Every cent of that money will be very wisely spent on the children by "The Fab Four" - made up of two very modest local ladies, Anne and Pam together with Tad and Stuart from the Geordie Bar Tat - both of those boys do an awful amount of fundraising for the Relleu children´s home and certainly deserve recognition for all their hard work.

Wayne rallied his fellow entertainers, who are always willing to support such events and they came on stage, back to back, keeping the audience mesmerised for 4 hours. A huge well done to them all.
Having spent the entire afternoon running around Wayne then had to prepare for a show that same night - he has such a big heart and always goes the extra mile for those less fortunate, whether it be children or animals.

Ruby Rocks as Britney with the Dream Girls
You just need to look at the Facebook page for Showboat to see all the messages of congratulations - everyone should be very proud that they have helped contribute to making the lives of these poor unfortunate children a little more bearable.

I´m sure that every parent who tucked their children up in bed last night said a prayer for those poor darlings in the home who have no parents to do the same for them.