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Tensions between Spain and Britain continue over the issue of Gibraltar, referred to as the Rock and one Tory Euro MP is even telling people that they should go somewhere else and not Spain for their holidays - like that is going to make any difference! The only ones to suffer would be the businesses, many of which are struggling as it is. It is almost as absurd as the suggestion which I heard that Gays in Benidorm should boycott drinking Russian vodka in response to Russia´s homophobic views... most of the vodka served in Benidorm is produced here in Spain anyway!

Three hundred years after Spain surrendered Gibraltar to the United Kingdom, tensions have once again been ignited over an artificial reef which the Spanish claim prevents their fishermen from working and in a tit for tat move the Spanish authorities created mayhem by instigating border checks which resulted in waits of up to several hours. Some say the move is to distract from domestic problems as the Spanish Government is embroiled in allegations of corruption and illegal payments which involve the Prime Minister, Mariano Rajoy himself.

Queues at the border - pic from Spanish National paper
Day trips to Gibraltar are very popular, especially with expats wanting a little fix of Britain without having to get on a plane. There are even specially organised 3/4 day excursions from here in Benidorm which are almost always fully booked - they are particularly in demand nearer to Christmas. Cigarettes are one thing that are substantially cheaper in Gibraltar than Spain but you are limited to one carton per person. They carry out very stringent checks at the border crossing as it is, looking out for illegal smugglers and this is one of the reasons given by the authorities for the step up of inspections.

Many bars in Benidorm, particularly British ones sell (under the counter or to order) what they claim are cheap imported cigarettes from Gibraltar - in fact, in many cases they are counterfeits - and dangerous ones too. Please never ever buy these - go to a proper Tobacos outlet... there are plenty in Benidorm and ever town has them. These imitations contain untested hazardous substances and definitely not worth risking your health for.

Three British warships are on the way to Gibraltar and yesterday a retired Spanish general suggested that Spain should prevent them from being allowed to dock, adding further fuel to the fire. The UK have lodged a formal complaint to the Spanish authorities and threaten to take legal action against Spain over the persistence of the prolonged border inspections. 30,000 people live in Gibraltar, mostly Brits who have unequivocally voted to stay under British rule - where this will all end who knows.....