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Did you know that there are only 134 days left until Christmas! Better start writing out that present wish list and dropping not so subtle hints to your partner in the hope that there is enough time for him to get organised... or is that wishful thinking.
I wonder whether any shops in the UK have started bringing out decorations and merchandise  - mind you, being so PC maybe the Government will decide to ban it for fear of upsetting the Muslims!

Jijona - ap 20km north of Alicante
Spain thankfully do not appear to capitalise on the commercialisation of the meaning of the occasion - mind you, maybe they will catch up to the UK in a number of years. But one Spanish Christmas tradition is well under way... the making of Turron. In order to satisfy demand for the sweet nougat and marzipan, production is well under way in the town of Jijona - the epicentre of turron production in Spain. It is exported throughout the year but from August onwards production increases considerably for the domestic market. Currently around 150 local worker are employed by the two main producers but this figure will multiply considerably to over 400 from this month. This year exports of nougat are expected to increase by 30% - that´s around 3 million kilograms.

There are many different varieties of turron, traditionally it is made with honey, sugar, egg whites and toasted almonds but now often has additions such as fruit and chocolate. The area around Jijona has extensive almond groves and so explains why this sweet is produced in the region.  There are over 500 different products on the market and these companies continue to create new combinations - they are even looking at bringing out a "healthy" option! On the outskirts of Jijona is the "museo del turron" where you can have a guided tour of the factory (tour offered in several languages) and it gives you an overview of what the factory produces  - it is open 7 days a week. For more information call 965 610 712 - the tour costs 3 euros and children under 10 go free.

In Spain there are two varieties of turron - hard and soft. The hard crunchy version is a compact block of hard almonds in a brittle mass of eggs, honey and sugar. The soft version is similar but the almonds are made into a paste  and the addition of oil makes the turron chewy and sticky.  Walk into any supermarket in December and the shelves will be stacked high with numerous varieties - I bet that the dentists just love this time of the year!