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Lets have less on traffic duties & more on tackling crime
It looks like security has become a top priority at long last. The PP senator for the province of Alicante, Augustine Almodobar has announced that they will present an "initiative to develop a specific security plan for tourist destinations" to Parliament.

Almodobar is on the committee for Tourism and also spokesman for the PP party. He has stated that with this proposal they are looking to pay particular attention to those destinations, which during the Summer receive thousands of visitors and that security is synonymous with the success of tourism.

He even specifically mentioned Benidorm by name, which is by far the most popular seaside holiday destination along the coast. The goal, as he so eloquently puts it is to "make it uncomfortable for criminals who specialize in stealing or other misdemeanors" and to "toughen penalties against petty theft". In a nutshell he means put more police on the streets and for the law to be changed allowing them to act when small amounts of money or valuables are taken. At present, similar to the UK, when crimes such as pickpocketing are reported, involving say 100 euros then nothing can be done. The criminals know this and are basically getting away scot free.

More of these needed on the streets!
It is a relief to know that the politicians are at least acknowledging the fact (at long last) and prepared to do something about it. Perhaps all the negative media coverage in the UK press has spurred them into action, who knows. He mentioned that some "foreign media" had portrayed images of "insecurity" in resorts such as Benidorm.... the Sun "Benidoom" article springs to mind here.

The Ministry of Interior is looking at the possibility to instigate a "Tourist Assistance Service Overseas" (SATE) which is run by the National Police and already in cities such as Madrid and Malaga which also provides a translator. At a previous meeting, Benidorm Mayor Agustin Navarro already stated that he was looking at the possibility of installing a sub police station in the busy English quarter over the Summer months.

Lets hope that something will be in place before next Summer. The police need to be given powers to tackle the potato men and gypsies that operate in the town which cause so much grief and inconvenience to holiday makers every year.  Time will tell....