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Street party at Villamar in Benidorm
Whilst back in the UK you had an extra long 2 day Bank Holiday to celebrate the Queen's Diamond jubilee, here in Benidorm and the surrounding areas we had a celebration of our own - most that live here are on a permanent Bank Holiday anyway!

Bunting was draped from many British bars and cafe's and television screens relayed the weekend proceedings... what a shame that the weather was so typically British. As we watched the riverside pageant on Sunday, we too mopped our wet brows - but from the excessive heat rather than rain!

Companians members raising their glasses of cava
This morning over 150 members of the British ex-pats social club "Companians" in Albir raised a toast to Her Majesty at their weekly Tuesday meeting, held at the Albir Gardens Hotel.
Many of the members came patriotically dressed in red, white & blue and donned union jack accessories.  The room had also been decked out with flags and bunting and the Spanish staff at the hotel expressed admiration for the loyalty shown by the British to the Monarch.
 I spoke to Antonio and  he commented  "Its amazing - we have nothing like this towards our King here in Spain, it is lovely to see people so proud of their heritage"
Celebrating in red, white & blue

Sue & Brian Pike and Julie & John Scaife
Club President Barbara

Party girls Elsie & Kath
A giant street party was organised at Villamar in Benidorm and 40 ex-pats joined in the festivities. The afternoon kicked off at 2pm with a picnic lunch and was to be followed up later with karaoke. Then a BBQ was scheduled for the evening with lots of fun and party games... I have an idea that it'll still be going on into the early hours with possibly the odd sore head or two in the morning!

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Quote of the day

You can learn many things from children
how much patience you have for instance

Latest Comments

  • The 3 Kings visited Benidorm!

    Marie Horner 06.01.2025 14:49
    Fabulous time x
  • The 3 Kings visited Benidorm!

    Marion Rooney 06.01.2025 14:48
    This is a fantastic night watching all the parades it´s wonderful
  • Countdown to a Beni Christmas

    Carol Guiney 10.12.2024 20:58
    It´s Beautiful in the old town at Xmas

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