Following a 2-year hiatus due to the pandemic, the traditional Holi colour festival took place at Terra Natura in Benidorm yesterday. Prior to the event, crowds gathered to celebrate Pepita the elephants 50th birthday, with a music and dance display before presenting the star of the day - who had had a colurful makeover, with a basket of fruit and vegetables which she shared with her best friend Kaiso.
The assembled crowd then sang her happy birthday. Pepita arrived at the wildlife park 18 years ago and following a difficult start, was eventually accepted by the rest of the herd.
Afterwards, everyone migrated to the special area designated for the colour fest, with each person handed a bag of coloured powder paint and a bottle of coloured water.
A countdown from 10 started and then a riot of colour erupted, as everyone threw the powder and water up in the air to create a rainbow of happiness, with music and laughter – and plenty of mess.
Workers intermittently sprayed the crowds down with a hose to screeches of excitement. If you´ve never done it, it´s a fantastic experience enjoyed by everyone … just make sure you wear something you are not too attached to as there is no guarantee it will come out in the wash!