
  • Following the success of last years Benidorm cast ‘Karaoke Night’ – writer and creator Derren Litten has organized a second fundraiser, which will take place this Saturday – July 2 at The UK Comedy Club.

    Last year they managed to raise over €13,000 – not bad for a few hours of fun and as filming is in its final phase Derren asked cast members if they would once again take part. He was delighted that not one of them hesitated and they are giving up their end of shoot fancy dress party to take part… so hats off to them all.

    Tickets will be available from 6pm tonight at the Presidente Hotel reception desk.

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  • Every Thursday, Tony Grande heads up to Relleu to the Emaus home with a van load of goodies bought en-route – sadly not presents as such but essentials, like food, bought with money generously donated and raised by ex-pats. The economic crisis has hit everyone and no-one more so than the charities here.

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  • The Eucalyptus Park in Albir was a hive of activity as the annual Harley Davidson Fun Day took place there today. Around 600 leather clad bikers gathered with their gleaming machines, coming not only from the Costa Blanca area but also from Madrid and one biker, Nicolai, came all the way from Kiev in Ukraine!

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  • The fifth International Charities Fair took place today – an event organized by Pamela Dawson Tasker to bring together local charities and associations in the area. It took place next door to the popular Sunday rastro at El Cisne and so benefitting from the extra Sunday footfall.

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  • Determined to help local charity “Emaus”, Derren Litten – writer and creator of the Benidorm series has set about organizing a fundraising evening. It will be held on Friday 29th May at 8pm in the UK Cabaret Club – opening specially for the occasion, which is underneath the Presidente Hotel. This promises to be a fun karaoke night with many cast members taking part. Topping the bill will be Jake Canuso, Tony Maudsley, Sherrie Hewson, Tim Healy and Johnny Vegas – even Derren has promised to take to the stage himself! Also due to make as appearance are Paul Bazely, Josh Bolt, Steve Edge, Elsie Kelly and Danny Walters – so a night not to be missed if you are a fan of the series.

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  • Many have been watching the Channel 5 documentary series “Bargain Loving Brits in the Sun” with avid interest over the last few weeks – and one face that most Beni lovers will instantly recognize is that of Wayne Edward Bellamy-Wright aka Miss Levi. Well the Queen is back after a well deserved break - Miss Levi the epitome of entertainment is once again packing the crowds in night after night.

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  • The long awaited Benidorm karaoke fundraiser took place at the Comedy Club last night – and what a night it was. The queue spiralled all the way down to Calle Gerona at 6:30pm even though the evening wasn’t due to kick off until after 8pm! For Benidorm series fans it was a unique one off opportunity to meet and rub shoulders with many of the cast members.

  • At last – the Benidorm boys can be seen in all their glory… but it´s all in aid of a very worthy cause! Wayne, aka Miss Levi is hugely revered and respected for all the fundraising work that he does in the community – especially for Emaus. Another great champion is Paul of Foley´s Bar and so these two admired advocates, together with partners Des and Jackie have joined forces, and ideas, to produce a fantastic charity calendar, which is now available to buy.

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