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Red hairThe colourful parade, for many the highlight of pride week, took place in Benidorm this afternoon. 20 vehicles – lorries, buses and decorated cars plus hundreds of participants in an array of eye catching costumes took part.

Rainbow mobility scootersStarting at the end of the Levante promenade, the procession made its way along the beachfront, finishing at the Julio Iglesias open air auditorium where a free concert is taking place – lasting into the early hours of the morning… good job as the temperatures are still showing 25 at 9pm!


IMG 6401Spectators embraced the occasion, with an abundance of flags, balloons and face paints on display and there was a real carnival like atmosphere, with music blasting out from the floats to cheers from the crowds.

Leather thongBenidorm is an important fixture in the pride calendar and it has a huge positive impact on the resort. Town hall figures have estimated that pride week has attracted an extra 20,000 visitors to the resort, benefitting hotels, bars and restaurants.

The next big event for the Brits is British Fancy Dress Day, which takes place on Thursday, 14 November.

Eye heart

Mama queen fan


Westend showbar float

Hello sailor

IMG 6406

Red float

Rainbow fan

White wig

Dog mask

Old town



0 #1 Paula Lewis 2024-09-07 21:50

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People tend to make rules for others and exceptions for themselves

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  • The 3 Kings visited Benidorm!

    Marie Horner 06.01.2025 14:49
    Fabulous time x
  • The 3 Kings visited Benidorm!

    Marion Rooney 06.01.2025 14:48
    This is a fantastic night watching all the parades it´s wonderful
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    Carol Guiney 10.12.2024 20:58
    It´s Beautiful in the old town at Xmas

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