Escalation of ATM's in Benidorm

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There isn't one specific reason why visitor numbers to Benidorm are dwindling – increased prices and escalating crime are two obvious explanations, but the answer is to find solutions rather than just lay blame. Weekend packages promoted by tour operators that offer cheap alcohol with an anything goes attitude simply encourages bars to compete against each other, giving free shots to entice groups in. However, the rapid increase in ATM machines sprouting up literally everywhere is a worry and simply motivates and spurs on reckless spending.

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Tiki Beach - A favourite with the Brits

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What is undoubtedly Benidorm's most popular bar, Tiki Beach on the Levante beachfront has been ordered to close by the Supreme Court – but presently remains open and as normal, heaving. Like a game of ping ping, the saga between residents of the Santa Margarita building, directly above the bar and the owners of Tiki Beach, Benisuisse SL has been ongoing since 2010.  It is certainly a mecca for the Brits, who flock there in their thousands, usually spilling out onto the road to enjoy a beer with a view to live music. It is on the 'must do' list for most and no holiday to Benidorm is complete without a trip there - for many it's their first port of call once unpacked!

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Stunning Moors parade

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The spectacular annual Moors parade took place in Altea last night (Saturday 22) – with an array of stunning costumes and even more remarkable face painting. The entire parade lasted over 3 hours, one of the longest I have ever witnessed and it will all be repeated again on Monday evening (24 September), when it is the turn of the Christians. There were many dance troupes, a band following each group so very atmospheric (and noisy), floats – the lucky ones pulled by a tractor whereas others were pushed manually and an awful lot of camels throughout.

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Karaoke in Benidorm

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Mention karaoke and Benidorm in the same sentence and the one place that instantly springs to mind is the “Black Chicken”! It was Benidorm’s very first and original karaoke bar and its reputation is unparalleled to any other bar here. If you want the Ritz then it’s definitely not for you. But if you are after FUN – in capitals, a fun boisterous atmosphere, affordable prices, honest staff and a DJ that knows how to get the place buzzing, then certainly pay the place a visit.

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Benidorm did Pride

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Thankfully the predicted downpours didn’t materialize this afternoon and the highlight of Pride Week – the colourful parade, went ahead. Even Her Majesty made an appearance as well as plenty of other queens! There was an abundance of rainbow flags, colourful and sometimes barely there outfits as well as lots of cheeky feathers.

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Lost in Benidorm?

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One of the most asked questions at the newly relocated SATE office in the Rincon – opposite the Flash Hotel is from lost or disorientated holidaymakers, after a long hard night of partying asking “Where is my hotel”? Often the only clue is that the hotel is tall and has a swimming pool – not really much help considering that probably describes virtually every hotel in the resort!

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Euro rate airport Rip Off

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In the old days, the question was “How many euros to the pound?”… sadly, now it’s the opposite way round, “How many pounds to the euro”…. The Brexit effect! Most travelers already know not to exchange their currency at the airport, as it is a well-known fact that they offer the worse rate possible. Despite this, it is astounding that there are still queues at the airport kiosks with holidaymakers readily handing over their hard earned £’s for a boarding on criminal exchange.

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Helicopter ride over Benidorm

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An unforgettable way of seeing Benidorm and the surrounding area is from the air – and what better way than a private helicopter ride! To prove age doesn't matter and that you’re never too old for a thrill, 3 generations of one family, spanning from 87 years to 12 years old recently went up for a surprise birthday treat of a lifetime.


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Know your Benidorm beaches

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The recent UK press coverage of 81 year old Freda’s ‘dream holiday to Benidorm’ being ruined because “the hotel was full of Spanish holidaymakers” wouldn’t look out of place in a scene from Fawlty Towers! But her remarks get even more absurd when she asks “why can’t the Spanish go somewhere else?” Rather embarrassingly, this story has also appeared in the Spanish papers and you can just imagine their reactions! It is adding fuel to the fire of Spaniards perceptions of Brits just wanting a little Britain in the sun. Choosing the correct side of Benidorm is very important as they differ vastly, as is picking the correct accommodation, as Freda and probably many others quickly realise!

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Midnight fireworks in Altea

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The annual La Olla firework display will light up the sky tonigh Saturday August 11 – always taking place on the nearest Saturday to 10th August, which marks the end of the local San Lorenzo fiesta. It attracts over 40,000 visitors, who come not only from this region but from all across Spain, so it has a huge beneficial economic impact on the town, with many spending the weekend there. If you were planning on driving - my advice is don't. Roads have been closed off since this morning.

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Tomek - the Benidorm tattoo victim

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Tomek, the homeless Polish man, hit headlines nationally and internationally after being the victim of a British stag in Benidorm, who paid Tomek €100 to have the name 'Jamie Blake' tattooed on his forehead. All the British press have stated that Jamie was the stags name – IT WAS NOT. Jamie was the name of his fiancée! There was an outcry from people worldwide that a vulnerable man had been totally taken advantage of. This incident actually happened mid May and Tomek then took off to Granada, where he had friends in the hope of some kind of recovery. He took the overnight bus from Granada and arrived back here in Benidorm at 5:15am this morning to be met by myself and Karen Maling-Cowles, President of Benidorm’s British Business Association with his meager possessions in a carrier bag.

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Action on anti social behavior

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Fed up with the negative image being portrayed of the resort, councilors have voted in favour of requesting an amendment of the law on anti social behaviour to the Provincial Government in Valencia. Currently, the Local Police can in theory issue fines, although in reality it is doubtful whether any are actually ever issued. Those that are, are in the main ignored and left unpaid once the offender has returned back home. They appear to be requesting an order that would enable the Spanish authorities the power to chase up unpaid fines in the UK.

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The Algar waterfalls - a must when in Benidorm

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Now that the sun has arrived a must place to visit are the Fonts Algar waterfalls. A fantastic day trip if you are staying in Benidorm, they can be found on the outskirts of the village of Callosa d'En Sarria, aprox 15km outside of the resort. It is a real natural beautyspot and attracts thousands of visitors over the Summer months - both holiday makers and residents. Throughout July and August they are open from 9:00am until 8:00pm.

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Football celebrations in Benidorm

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Following the mayhem that took place on Calle Gerona last Saturday, when England earned their place in the World Cup semi finals, a security meeting was organised this morning by the Councilor for Security, Lorenzo Martinez and chiefs from both the Local and National Police. Afterwards a second meeting, involving owners and managers of bars along Calle Gerona took place. What started out as joyous scenes of fans chanting and singing soon turn anything but, after video footage emerged on social media and the UK press of National Police hitting British fans with their batons despite no obvious sign of any trouble.

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  • The 3 Kings visited Benidorm!

    Marie Horner 06.01.2025 14:49
    Fabulous time x
  • The 3 Kings visited Benidorm!

    Marion Rooney 06.01.2025 14:48
    This is a fantastic night watching all the parades it´s wonderful
  • Countdown to a Beni Christmas

    Carol Guiney 10.12.2024 20:58
    It´s Beautiful in the old town at Xmas

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