A unique dining experience

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Eating out can be a hit or miss affair. Restaurants are a very personal thing – what one person likes or enjoys the next person won’t. Thankfully there is certainly plenty of choice here in Benidorm, whether you like to stick to your traditional British fare or try something Spanish, such as tapas or paella. However, if you would like to try something totally different – and have a car, then head inland towards Jalon, around 40km from Benidorm and to the west, in a rural location heading up into the mountains you will find the Maserof Inn and Museum.

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Burial of the Sardine

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What is probably one of Spain’s most bizarre traditions took place on Tuesday evening – ‘Entierro de la sardina’ or the Burial of the Sardine! Yes a huge plastic sardine was carried through the streets of Benidorm's Old Town and taken down onto Poniente beach. Mourners followed, dressed in black and carrying wreathes behind the sardine.

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Benidorm's frontline bars

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It was exactly a year ago this week that Tiki Beach closed after years of legal wrangling between residents and the owners – a day many thought and hoped would never come. But fast forward and except for a few alterations, many wouldn’t notice the changes between what now stands in its place. For many Brits on holiday, it is one of the must go-to places during their stay here, to enjoy a drink with a view plus live music and most continue to refer to it as Tiki.

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Save My Life fundraiser at Benidorm Palace

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On Sunday, March 8 the fourth ‘Save My Life’ charity fundraiser will take place at the iconic Benidorm Palace. As in the previous years, the money raised will be used by Benidorm Dog Homing and Manos y Patas to help rehome abandoned dogs and cats. It is a lifeline for both, to help the hundreds of animals in their sadly sometimes not so temporary care have a second chance in life. There is certainly no shortage of entertainers, only too keen to offer their talents totally free for this very worthy cause. The line up this year includes Jamie Somers, Sean Mac, Ben Ashley, Guy Melidoni, Kim Peters, Aisha as the Adel tribute, Blues Brothers, Mel & Dave, Colin Coco Channel, The Roller maniacs, from the Palace illusionist David Climent, silk acrobat Lara Cano and biker stuntman Jonathan Rossi and hosting Tim Ames and David James.

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Hand Luggage charges

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Norwegian Airlines have just changed their policy and like Ryanair, now charging if you wish to take a 10kg bag or wheelie case into the cabin with you. Although only flying to Alicante from London Gatwick, Manchester, Edinburgh and Dublin, with the demise of both Monarch and now Thomas Cook, the choice of airlines is shrinking. With many opting to travel just with hand luggage, especially if only coming for a few days, these extra charges can make a difference to the overall cost. The headline grabbing 9.99 fare suddenly ends up double or triple once the extras are added on.

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Fire closed Alicante airport

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Airport firefighters, assisted by backup from Alicante and Elche were quickly scrambled to attend a fire at the airport terminal yesterday afternoon. The fire broke out shortly after 2pm, affecting a roof area of more than 1,200 square metres. Due to the nature of the materials – rock wool, asphalt and other combustible components, firefighters remained at the scene throughout the night, with no no electrical power at the airport at that point and were still dousing down a ‘controlled fire’ on Thursday morning. In total 60 firefighters were in attendance and smoke was still emitting from the area on Thursday afternoon. Due to uncertainly of weakening of the structure, it will be a slow and laborious process.The airport re-opened today at 2pm although many flights had already been rescheduled to land and depart from Murcia and Valencia.

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Three Kings procession

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Tomorrow is Three Kings or Los Reyes Magos as they say here – and a Bank Holiday across Spain. But tonight, on the eve of Three Kings was the magnificent parade which started at Dove Park, a little after 6pm and ended up at the town hall square. There were numerous floats and some stunning costumes – they really do know how to do them here, lots of bands, choreographed dancers and plenty of livestock including a flock of very well-behaved geese!

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Refreshing start to 2020!

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Plenty turned out for the traditional New Year’s Day swim in Albir today – a number in fancy dress, including the Christmas Grinch and there were numerous festive Santa hats bobbing about. Age was certainly no barrier as even a spritely 87 year old braved the water! Many spectators came to watch this annual ritual on what was a beautifully sunny day with temperatures in the high teens and not a cloud in the sky.

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Benidorm's Christmas 'Fun-Run'

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More than three hundred took part in the annual San Silvestre fun run in Benidorm this morning – always taking place on the first Sunday after Christmas. Many embraced the occasion donning all manner of festive fancy dress including Santa’s, reindeer, snowmen… and even The Beatles complete with yellow submarine! It was a fabulous backdrop, with the sun shining, the Med glistening and spectators cheering the runners along the Levante promenade.

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The Harley Santas

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A group of 28 Santa bikers – members of the Free Spirits HD Harley Davidson enthusiast club roared into Albir just after 12 noon to a large crowd eagerly awaiting their arrival. It was hard to tell who was more excited – the children seeing so many red clad Santas or the men, eyeing up the gleaming Harley bikes, but it certainly put a smile on everyone’s faces! The Santa run is a regular December event for the club members and saw all the riders dressed up – with many of the bikes decorated too!

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Taxi for Jim – from Northern Ireland to Benidorm

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An inspirational example of friendship and humanity when a taxi driver from Co Antrim in Northern Ireland drives 1700 miles to Benidorm to collect a friend - Jim Moore, who suffered a head injury following a fall whilst here on holiday and unable to fly back home. 365 Taxis Newtownabbey driver Phil Hamilton has been all the talk on social media platforms, receiving messages of support from across the country but very quick to play down his part and instead praising what he says was a team effort #goingtheextramile

Benidorm did Fancy Dress - 2019

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Benidorm did it again, seeing thousands turn out for the annual British Fancy Dress Day, which always takes place the day after the official Benidorm fiesta ends. Usually a sunny day, despite it always taking place in mid November, but today it was rather grey and overcast with a few specks of rain falling early on. However, that certainly didn’t put the revelers off from having a good time. The variety of costumes on display was incredible, with lots of thought and effort obviously going into them and many themed groups.

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Benidorm's Mirador re-opens

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As promised, the Mirador at the top of the Old Town re-opened today in time for the town’s annual fiesta celebrations. Although not completely finished people were allowed up to see the works that had been done following the closure back June, right at the beginning of the summer season causing much controversy. The excavation has unearthed some important ruins, which have been left intact and surrounded by glass and railing so that everyone can view them.

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Summer season comes to an end

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We’ve been incredibly fortunate with the weather here this year. On Thursday, the last day of October, people were still swimming in the sea and sunbathing on the Levante beach… must be a first! We welcomed the first day of November in with blue sunny skies over the resort, temperatures in the mid 20’ and Saturday’s rugby final was watched by hundreds on the mega poolside screen of the Marina hotel wearing summer clothes. Terraces up and down Calle Gerona were also full of locals and holidaymakers, cheering England on… sadly to no avail in the end.

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People tend to make rules for others and exceptions for themselves

Latest Comments

  • The 3 Kings visited Benidorm!

    Marie Horner 06.01.2025 14:49
    Fabulous time x
  • The 3 Kings visited Benidorm!

    Marion Rooney 06.01.2025 14:48
    This is a fantastic night watching all the parades it´s wonderful
  • Countdown to a Beni Christmas

    Carol Guiney 10.12.2024 20:58
    It´s Beautiful in the old town at Xmas

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